Builder games like Minecraft was never a game I got into. I’ve heard about it all over the place and its popularity was, and still is, immensensely high, but it’s core gameplay and presentation never rubbed me in the right place. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to download Minecraft for Wii U. That experience was short lived and my attention quickly shifted back to my normal gaming pleasures. Crafting and building type mechanics never interested me, until recent games like Stardew Valley and Dragon Quest Builders. The difference with those games is that the game isn’t solely focused and designed around those mechanics, but rather an element added to the main gameplay mechanics. What you get from Dragon Quest Builders is a simplified and watered down Minecraft experience with RPG elements based in a Dragon Quest universe. It may sound strange to combine these two games together to form a hybrid experience, but that’s what Builders does and it does it well. The game...